He compared bill frist ' s call for increased federal funding for stem - cell research to nazi experiments )他甚至还将比尔?富瑞斯特申请更多联邦经费津贴进行干细胞研究的行为和二战时期纳粹的人体实验相提并论。
Senate majority leader bill frist has introduced immigration reform legislation that does not include a controversial temporary worker program 弗里斯特星期三提出一项移民改革议案,其中没有包括有争议的临时劳工计划。
Senate majority leader bill frist has introduced immigration reform legislation that does not include a controversial temporary worker program 美国参议院多数党领袖比尔.弗里斯特星期三提出一项移民改革议案,其中没有包括有争议的临时劳工计划。